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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Peace Summit, Vancouver 2009

Matthieu Ricard--he's also a photographer, scientist and writer.
September 29th I am attending the Peace Summit in Vancouver. My favorite monks will be attending: the Dalai Lama and Matthieu Ricard. Eckhart Tolle and Sir Ken Robinson will also be speaking. I am looking forward to this event. I chose to attend the session on creativity and well being. I have read many of Matthieu's books and the Dalai Lama's too. A dream supper would be me, the Dalai Lama, Matthieu Richard. How to make it happen? Any ideas?
Tabs final year end piano recital last night--she was fab! No nerves--played flawlessly. I chalk it up to having two teeth filled earlier in the day--she used up all her nerves getting through that.
I miss Mist. Pip too. She cried in the car today, "I want Kiki, I need Kiki!" When I asked her why, she said, "I love her. I miss her."
So blue...I am in the eye of a cat storm. I can no longer have Silver live in our home. He is untrainable. I have tried everything, new litter boxes, new litter, new beds, even pet anti anxiety meds--all to no avail. He will not stop peeing on floors, carpets, beds and sofas.  What am I to do? I want a cat, I want him. But I cannot keep him because he is not trainable. He used to be. But over the years he has become completely untrained. I believe he is learning disabled as well. He has never been a typical cat. He is content to sit on my desk all day long, only leaving at night to eat and pee all over. It breaks my heart because I cannot keep him, yet I so wish he would "fix" himself and become normal so I can. :(
To an outsider my cat dilemma may seem trivial. However, we have had him for 6 years. I am an animal lover. I have never given away a pet. I never thought I would have to. It is weighing heavily on my mind and heart. I cannot have a pet jeopardize the health of my family. Constantly breathing in his cat pee fumes, cleaning up his cat pee--it requires hours of my labour that I will never get back--I want that time to play with my kids, not clean!
I had to euthanize my dearest, oldest frined ever last year--my pug Weldy. He was 15 1/2 years old and going downhill fast--but it was his incontinence that finally made me realize it was time. He had diarrhea all over the house constantly and my vet (Theresa) said it was very unhealthy to have that bacteria on my floors all of the time with a toddler.
What to do? I have called his breeder and am placing an add in my sister's vet clinic. 

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Blogger Sandra said...

Melissa, you are doing the right thing regarding the cat. I know for a fact that the smell of his urine is the first thing you notice when you enter your house and it isn't pleasant!

June 24, 2009 at 2:39 PM  
Blogger Cliffer said...

Maybe try forcing the pills on him and not just leaving in his food... I know that Sara had a bit of that problem and forcing the pills on her really helped, other wise she wouldnt eat them...

June 24, 2009 at 7:22 PM  
Blogger Cliffer said...

Or even get misty to pill him if its not working for you... Pill him every day, not just every once in a while...

June 24, 2009 at 7:22 PM  

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