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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Three Tiger Cubs




My girls love to photograph themselves on photo booth. I discover dozens of new photos they've taken of themselves each week. The newest photographer is Pip. She'll get on my computer and before you know it, have taken a series of about 30 photos of herself in various poses.

I am working all weekend. Borrowing Peter's UBC office to write on my thesis. I hope to accomplish much. So far I have found one study validator from amongst the covert stuffy culture on facebook--a fellow writer. I found out this writer has an Mfa and a Bfa from Emily Carr--so cool. I love that some of the covert writers are artists and Canadians like me! I need to find an ethnographer at UBC to also validate my study. I will work on that this week.

The cold arctic weather is finally leaving BC tomorrow. So I am saving my mountain hike for tomorrow morning--it should be a little warmer by then.

Tabs and I had a date night last night. She chose shopping at the mall and out for supper. I love my date nights with the wee gals. Tabs was inspired to purchase beads with letters on them and then proceeded to make three bracelets last night--one for her and her 2 best friends. One bracelet said "Best" the next "friends" and the third "forever."
I am extremely disappointed in how the soccer has been managed this year. 3 major tryouts to discover Tabs did not make the 1st level team. So unfair. Because she is a good soccer player and really top notch defense girl. I am an angry mother Tiger about it. No one messes with my babies. This whole level thing is new this season. ALL kids soccer is in levels now--there is no more just "soccer for kids." All teams require levels and tryouts and divide old, life-long team mates and friends (she's been playing since age 5 with all the same girls). She may decide to play this year but is also considering trying out baseball as she has always wanted to play but had no time because of soccer.

Mist and Pip still recovering from respiratory bugs. The girls will hang with their dad all weekend while I work.

I am feeling a little excited about my career plans.

 1. Get a job! My goal is to teach college but I will take anything that gets me there along the way:communications, fine arts, English, creative writing....anything they will let me.
2. Paint Renaissance style wild life on the side for $ (will need to study in France to learn this technique. Gregory said he will hold my deposit until I can come. I do hope it is within this year).
3. Keep writing and publishing my fiction.
4. Teach Zumba for fun (will train for this and continue to study forms of latin dance for fun).
5. Once my painting and writing starts to bring in $$$, I can cut back on my teaching load eventually.

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Blogger Theresa's travel thoughts said...

Wow that is incredibly fortuitous about the covert stuffy find! Good work.

February 26, 2011 at 2:33 PM  
Blogger Melissa Hart said...

Yes, I'm sure you know who she is!

February 28, 2011 at 9:42 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hello !! how are you doing ? when we're able to see you again on facebook ? :D

February 28, 2011 at 10:08 AM  

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