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Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Way Back

Pip at the age of her passport photo

The Way Back--an amazing movie. Just got in from a night out at the movies. I love real life adventure/survival stories. This one was good. Colin Farrel is a favourite actor of mine and as usual he was good. I like Ed Harris too.

Salsa dance lessons are proving to be outside my box on many levels. There are actually more males than females in the class. Every minute we change partners. So, I dance with about twelve different men all night. This is the outside the box stuff. When in life must one touch twelve strange men in an intimate closeness and work together with each man to create a dance within a 45 minute class?
Most of the men are lovely, gentlemen. And some are strange but tolerable. But one man is not tolerable. He is so strange and horrible. He was the only man that would not give his name, "call me what ever you want." Oh, if only I would have...
He is so terrified of me and perhaps all humans in general? A very petite man with slicked back hair dyed black--and a gold chain on his neck. Anyway, he was a horrible dancer yet did nothing but correct every single move I did or did not make and everytime he F'd up--blamed it on me.
Such an interaction challenges every facet of my being. To touch this guy, to try and dance with this creep, to tune out his incessant corrections...
So, if the man shows up again next week, I will put my finger to my lips and say ,"shhh...no talking, it makes me loose focus." And if that doesn't work I will explain to the instructor that I just cannot dance with the guy.
The dancing part is great and I already made a new friend in the class. It is the "dancing with creeps" that is difficult--could be a new reality show.

So insanely busy trying to wrap up my thesis. I seem to have several appointments each day that take up so much of my day, I feel I don't have the time to write! I am on the home stretch--just final editing and formatting stuff. I've come a very long way. I hope it is all good and I don't have mammoth corrections ahead of me.

March break will soon be upon us. Many plans to make--Peter and I might take the girls somewhere tropical. I need some major sunshine and vitamin D. Pip's passport just expired so must run around and get that renewed on Monday. She is just such a tiny baby in her passport photo! Will need to get a new pic taken tomorrow.

Tonight, Tabitha and two friends and Pip are having a sleepover party downstairs. They are great girls and enjoy letting Pip join their party. Of course, little Pip is all too pleased to chum around with the big girls. Mist was at a sleep over party last night, so tonight she relaxes upstairs with her own movie while the little girl party is in full swing downstairs.

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Blogger Sandra said...

Nothing could be cuter than PIP in her passport photo!

March 6, 2011 at 1:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

What a gorgeous picture of Pip. You have 3 very beautiful daughters.

March 9, 2011 at 6:30 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

ok this is very strange...this is Grace not Linda. I guess I haven't figured out this leaving Comments thing yet?

March 9, 2011 at 6:32 AM  
Blogger Melissa Hart said...

Thanks Linda/Grace!

March 10, 2011 at 12:44 PM  

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